The history of UFOs in New Zeland can be traced to the late
19th Century with the "Great Airship Flap" of that period. Many unusual objects have been seen in the New Zealand skies and
some, like the Kaikoura UFO's have attracted world-wide attention.
New Zealand also has a diverse history of ightings of strange beasts,
Vanishing Islands, unexplained artifacts and other mysteries. All largely unknown even in New Zealand itself.
This website has been constructed to examine these mysteries of New Zeland
and keep the public informed and up to date on occurances, theories and the happeings in New Zealand.
I am Director of the newly formed New Zealand Un-Natural Mystery
Centre, UFO Investigator and New Zealand Cryptozoologist - I hope you enjoy the site and gain some knowledge of our mysterious
country and the phenomena that occurs here.
Tony Lucas
Director of the New Zealand Un-Natural Mystery Centre.
Independant UFO Invetigator
New Zealand Cryptozoologist